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If your website is ranked unfavorably by the search engines, you must be wondering what you need to do to boost the ranking. There are many things you can do and one of the most effective ways to get your site noticed is by maintaining an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites. You can hire the best SEO agency in USA or take your chances somewhere else.  While creating an account on one or several platforms is a step in the right direction, your level of activity on these platforms plays a great role in determining how the search engines view you. Used correctly, social media will greatly boost your site’s ranking.

Social Media Activity Increases Credibility

In the eyes of search engines, the biggest indicator about the quality of a site is the kind of info it contains. To gauge the quality of the content on a site, search engines are usually guided by site visitors. They therefore know that you have great and relevant content when the site receives huge and frequent visitors. The time visitors spend on a site is also an indicator of the importance of the content.  There are some really good SEO agencies within the U.S. and finding one shouldn’t be that difficult. 

If your activity on the social media platforms involves the creation of regular posts, how the content is consumed is critical for your SEO efforts. Great content will generally lead to discussions and it could be shared, tweeted, liked, etc. Content that generates these kinds of activities is considered useful and will help a site get good rankings.

In the eyes of both human users and the search engines, social media links are also more credible when compared to other links because they show how real people are interacting with your brand. People are free to criticize, complement and also make suggestions. The creator of the posts has no control over what people say and this inability to manipulate comments makes social media activity highly credible.  We are your USA SEO agency.

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With Social Media, Relevance of Content Takes Precedence over Keywords

For a site to keep attracting and retaining people, its content has to be evergreen and relevant. This means that the creator of the content will be developing the content thinking about the human consumers of the info rather than the search engines. Such a person will be endeavoring to answer people’s questions and will not be too bothered about keywords. 

Naturally, in the process of content creation it is inevitable that the writer will use some industry-specific keywords but these will fit it naturally with what the content creator wants to say. Rather than worry about how many times a keyword is used or where it is placed in the text or even about the length of a post, the content creator will only be guided by the desire to meet people’s needs. The content creator is therefore unlikely to get involved in the malpractice of keyword-stuffing.

Finally, it is important to remember that activity on social media might put you in touch with authority sites. These are kind of sites that receive vast traffic and you stand to receive some of this traffic with continued and consistent activity.

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